Psychospiritual Integration Coaching

Combining 10 years of experience in the mental health and addiction recovery field with my own recovery journey, and a strong emphasis on harm reduction & empowerment, I offer highly individualized holistic recovery counseling and coaching. With ongoing education and mentorship, I also offer microdose coaching and psychedelic preparation & integration coaching to support you in deriving the maximum benefits and actionable from your journey or retreat, and staying connected to the insights gained therein. We are not meant to heal in isolation with these sacraments – walking the path with others is foundational for our wellbeing and transformation.
Pricing begins at $100/hour, with sliding scale options for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ folks, and single mothers.
Holistic Recovery Coaching
Have you ever attended a 12-step recovery meeting, or spent time in a traditional rehab center, and felt like the support you received did not address core issues? Did you leave feeling doomed with a diagnosis of a “lifelong disease” or as a person full of “character defects”? Did you feel that you were still lacking tools to navigate the winding road of recovery, or that your path should look like everyone else’s? If so, you are not alone.
Our current paradigm of treating addiction as though it is an individual’s “disease,” and prescribing 12-step based abstinence from all mind-altering substances, is harming many and helping very few. Evidence shows that many people naturally grow out of their chaotic substance use and addictive behaviors, and that a harm reduction approach that emphasizes a person’s autonomy should be the gold standard for working with people who use drugs. Including systemic factors such as structural inequality, and acknowledging each person’s unique relationship to substances and their trauma is vital.
My holistic approach considers each person’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental makeup and resources. I weave different approaches such as Buddhist teachings around working with cravings, somatic practices, harm reduction techniques, and transpersonal psychology together to create a unique container for all who work with me. I provide ancestral herbal wisdom to help the body and mind in its’ healing, and offer tools for exploration outside of session.
Psychedelic Preparation and Integration Coaching
Utilizing vast personal experiences with all entheogenic medicines, an extensive library of esoteric wisdom, the grounding simplicity of daily life, and scientific knowledge, I provide support and guidance for your unique psychedelic path. Preparation includes learning meditative practices that support the psychedelic space; learning about your selected medicine’s history and identifying potential obstacles in the integration process; becoming deeply aware of your nervous system and becoming crystal clear in your intentions; vetting your provider or retreat center; and diving deep into your inner process in advance of the of the psychedelic experience.
Psychedelic integration coaching can be invaluable for unpacking all of the material, insights and revelations gained in the psychedelic space, and weaving them back into daily life. I specialize in Psilocybin, Ayahuasca and plant diets, Iboga, and 5-meo-DMT. It is easy to allow the psychedelic experience to fade into memory, but when we have the support to keep our experiences salient and fresh in our consciousness, we can make the incremental changes needed to align with our highest potential. I have personally found integration coaching hugely beneficial for my own process, and having a supportive external perspective can be empowering and illuminating. We are not meant to heal alone – I make efforts to connect my clients with local psychedelic communities and integration circles to grow and fortify the mycelial connection.