Integration Resources
Integration is the process of “making all parts whole.” It is where the work begins after the ceremony, and having a list of resources to support the highly individual and often vulnerable process is vital. I have compiled resources for both local clients (in-person offerings in San Diego) and clients living elsewhere. And remember, I am also here to support your process, if you would like to continue meeting weekly. Receiving support from someone who has been a witness to your process from the beginning allows for increased trust and continuity of care, as starting from scratch and locating an integration provider who you personally resonate with can take time. I strongly recommend at least 3 follow-up integration sessions after a deep journey, as the process will continue to unfold past the first week or two. An integration guide can help you identify mindset shifts, guide you to practices that resonate with your process, and help normalize the discomfort that can show up around seeing the need for changes and having a powerful experience that many people may not relate to. Finding community to connect with and learn from is also an imperative part of integration, as we cannot do this work alone. Support and Guidance, as well as trust in one’s process, are the keys to achieving the growth, healing, and change one seeks with entheogens.
San Diego based In-person Community Integration Circles
Sundays at 11-12:30 – alternating each week between Ocean Beach and North Park, these circles are FREE and hosted by either myself, or my colleague Ladybug. Feel free to check in with me in regards to location.
Innerspace Integration – in-person circle in North County San Diego, donation based.
Psychedelics in Recovery– Attending a Psychedelics in Recovery meeting is another great way to connect and receive support on your path. San Diego clients may attend an in-person meeting on Tuesdays at 7PM, located at Kava Collective in Hillcrest. There are also over 20 virtual meetings via Zoom, just visit website to receive Zoom links via email.
Queer Psychedelic Society offers both virtual and in-person integration circles in San Diego and Los Angeles. These circles are for queer or questioning folks only, and offer a safe space to process psychedelic integration.
Virtual Integration Circles
I highly recommend attending a circle through Tam Integration. Donation-based (they never ask, optional) – there are women’s circles, beginner’s circles, and more.
The Global Psychedelic Society has a map for finding your local psychedelic society – most offer integration and opportunities to connect with community.
Recommended Activities for Integration
Journaling – keeping a journal, preferably free-form writing, will allow you to track subtle shifts and the evolution of your integration process. This is especially helpful for individuals who enjoy writing or feel the need to write to help the memory.
Meditation – ah, meditation is such a commonly mentioned practice, isn’t it? That’s because it can help us learn to identify less and less with the ego-based narrative constantly going on in our minds. It can truly benefit the integration process by building that gap between stimulus and reaction, thereby providing us much more of a choice with habits, thoughts and patterns we may want to stop engaging in as part of the change process. Start small – 5 minutes, focusing on the breath, without trying to “stop” thoughts. Just let them go when you catch them, and re-focus on the breath. Waking Up, Insight Timer, and Headspace are helpful apps for those who are beginning. Finding a local Buddhist or Taoist temple can also be beneficial, as there is power in meditating with others.
Movement – there may be residual energy wanting to be released after a medicine journey. The best way to allow this continual flow of energy is to engage in your preferred way of moving your body. Yoga, dance, hiking/running, tai chi, Qi gong – is there a type of movement you have been interested in trying? Go for it! Movement helps us connect with our bodies, instead of our minds. As we are still releasing trauma or stagnant energy that is in our bodies, this practice is so beneficial for the integration process.
Connecting with others – Attend an integration circle! Community is perhaps the most valuable resource we have for our integration process. Receiving support from, and learning from one another is how we reconnect the human mycelium and develop sustainable, community-centered support systems.
Grounding – after a highly spiritual and cosmic experience, it is often helpful to “ground” the energy through connection with Earth’s elements. Walking barefoot in nature, taking an Epsom salt bath, eating hearty root vegetables (or even some grass-fed beef!), listening to soothing music, singing, and spending extra time outdoors can provide this grounding element. These practices help you to re-center in your body.
Avoid other substance use for at least 1-2 weeks – the longer, the better.
Below is a list of excellent books to have in your psychedelic library! I personally own them all.
Psilocybin Literature

An excellent guide for beginners or those who have never used psilocybin before, this book covers dosing, preparation, integration, and trip sitting in detail! Relatable and concise, this is an excellent starting book.

Paul Stamets is the world-renowned mycologist leading the research for mushrooms as an answer to various health and ecological problems. This identification guide also has historical information as well as “good tips for great trips!” Also worth reading is Mycelium Running.

I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in growing their own psilocybin mushrooms. A complete guide to having your own supply of medicine!